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health literacy in action


    This social media campaign was created to be an advocacy resource to help college students gain confidence in their knowledge of health in the following five areas: sleep, diet, exercise, social health and mental health. Students often get to college and do not learn how to properly prioritize their health. This campaign sought to change that. The goal of the advocacy campaign was to increase awareness of the benefits that living a healthy lifestyle can give college students and to help students form a stronger sense of health literacy.  The objective of this advocacy campaign was to influence a positive change in behavior concerning college students’ health choices.

    By use of an Instagram page, this campaign was able to reach 1,969 accounts over a four-week period of time. This campaign also collected 428 total views over 8 blog posts. The campaign was successful in reaching its goals as 30 of the 35 (85.71%) followers who responded to the survey reported an increase in knowledge about how to prioritize their health in college. Additionally, 31 of the 35 (88.57%) followers who responded to the survey agreed that the campaign encouraged a positive change in their health habit behaviors.



  • The eight blog posts collected 428 total reads, with the top blog post earning 66 reads.

  • The Instagram campaign collected 109 followers, reached 1,951 accounts, and had 576 content interactions.

  • 538 of those interactions were likes, three were comments, 20 posts were saved and 15 posts were shared.

Read the full project write-up below:

Watch the full project presentation below:

Health Literacy In Action

Health Literacy In Action

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